f you have the pleasure of spending some serious time in Leticia, Colombia, be sure to check out the wonderful Residencias El Divino Niño, the best kept secret in Leticia. Recently, I spent over a month there and felt quite at home due to the hospitality of the staff there.
The Residencias is a small hotel (only 20 rooms) so you receive specialized attention from the staff. Especially sweet Betty, who is in charge of housekeeping. Every morning she personally helped me get hot water so I could enjoy my breakfast tea. In addition, Betty took care of my special needs, washing my clothes and giving useful advise.
If you are on a budget, this is the place for you. There is no other place in Leticia more economical that maintains a safe and healthy environment. Perhaps the best thing about the Residencias is the family-atmosphere. You really feel at home there. It is a great place to get to know the locals and practice your Spanish. In addition, it is the place in Leticia to meet fellow travelers and exchange adventure stories and advice. I met some Brits there who let me know where authentic curanderos give ayahuasca ceremonies. I tried ayahuasca in Iquitos, but did not have any visions. In Leticia, the effect of the plant was much more intense. In fact, it was the most incredible experience of my life, but that is another story.
When I was at the Residencias, they had just completed building a new recreation room with comfortable couches and television. Soon they will have computers and internet for use by residents only. Although they do not have private refrigerators in the rooms, they have one in the recreation room which satisfied my needs to chill my favorite local beverage, guaraná. Guaraná is the national drink of Brazil and said to be an aphrodisiac and have special medicinal properties. It is locally produced in Leticia and is the most wonderful soft drink I have ever drunk.
So if you every have a chance to visit Leticia, Colombia be sure to stay at Residencias El Divino Niño which is located at Av. Internacional No. 7 - 23. Their telephone is (098) 592-5594 or 5598. Ask for the owners, Edgar and Karen and tell them that Jonathan sent you.